Breakthrough Study on Blockchain in Fisheries Supply Chain Garners Global Attention at BBA Metaverse HQ


Delegates at the BBA Metaverse HQ checking out the work of Professor Graham Heaslip, Colin C. , Dr Trevor Clohessy, and Amaya Vega, while Dr Clohessy shares a summary of this JBBA paper at the BBA Forum.

This paper was a peer-reviewed, systematic literature review of Blockchain in Fisheries Supplychain.

The paper has already been viewed by more than 1 million+ readers worldwide, via Web of Science, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and more than 800+ universities’ repositories and indices where the JBBA has been indexed.

Full Paper: 👇👇👇

Indexed in DOAJ:

cc: Atlantic Technological University



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