Caroline Hill of Circle speaks at the BBA’s Crypto Summit


“..The advent of public blockchains in digital assets has reshaped how global financial system operates…”

Caroline Hill of Circle speaks at the BBA’s Crypto Summit, organised by the BBA’s Blockchain Associations Forum (#BAF).

🌐 Dubbed as “united nations of blockchain”, BAF is a trans-national, global coalition of blockchain associations from *53* countries, working on a shared mission to collaborate and address some of the most pressing challenges faced in the adoption of blockchain and crypto-assets, and to garner support through “Nations’ Collective Wisdom”:

➡️ Hosted and Chaired by the BBA, the forum has now convened twice, with active participation from all BAF Member associations taking part in a series of talks exploring solutions to harmonize #international regulatory standards, and synergise efforts on sensible #Crypto #policymaking:

🎤 3rd BAF Summit will be held in September 2023.

✍🏽 BAF Summit proceedings are published in The #JBBA.

