CEBB in 57 countries, 13 Leds, 210+ researchers, over 2200 Papers,

From Melbourne to Kanpur, from Arkansas to Singapore, from Maryland to Berlin, from Dijon to Abuja, from Ireland to Zurich:

The Centre for Evidence-Based Blockchain is now operational in 57 countries, with 13 CEBB Institutional Leads and a global community of 210+ active blockchain researchers (with over 2200+ peer-reviewed published blockchain research papers combined) as of January 2021.

Working on scientific research-backed blockchain or crypto project? Join CEBB and let us help you connect with the best and the brightest minds in the DLT industry, solving REAL-WORLD problems and creating a global impact.

#EvidenceBasedBlockchain #CEBB #BBA #Blockchain #Crypto #Research #DLT #Fintech #Research

