How do we build a more inclusive and sustainable Metaverse?

📌 What inter-operability #Standards, Frameworks and Benchmarks will take us into the #Future?

🌐 It was a FULL HOUSE at the BBA’s Metaverse headquarters last evening where Neil Trevett joined BBA’s Prof. Dr Naseem Naqvi FRCP FBBA to discuss interoperability standards for an #Open Metaverse.

✅ Participants included c-suite execs, industry researchers, standards-setting organisations, university professors, policymakers, entrepreneurs, and Web3 influencers from around the globe!

We hope it was an enjoyable and informative evening for all!

➡️ Stay tuned for future events in the Metaverse!

#BBA #NFT #Standards #Frameworks #Benchmarks #DeFi #Avatars #CEBB #JBBA #AR #VR #AI #3D #Tokens #future
Metaverse Standards Forum



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