How do we create a Self-Sustaining Token Economy?
📍Creation of a Self-Sustaining Token Economy
What do Crypto-assets, Algebra, Token Algorithms, Human Behaviour, Symbolic Modelling and Automatic Proofs have in common?
This research from Dr Oleksandr Letychevskyi of Glushkov Institiute of Cybernetics proposes an “Automated Tokenomics Constructor” — supported by an Algebraic Server that leverages algebraic behaviour methods and an automatic proof system to build a self-sustaining Token economy.
Originally submitted as a Conference Proceeding at the 4th Blockchain International Scientific Conference, to be presented on 14 March at the #ISC2022.
Published Open Access in The #JBBA, Free to Read, Share and Download:
Senior Editors:
Professor Dr Mark Lennon of California University of Pennsylvania, USA and
Professor Chen Liu, Ph.D. of Trinity Western University, Canada
Indexed in DOAJ:
#blockchain #Tokenomics #Business #Algebra #Crypto #Bitcoin #Ethereum #JBBA #DeFi #NFT #Metaverse
#cryptoassets #DeFi #Tokenomics #DLT #evidencebasedblockchain #algorithms