How do you Launch a World-Class NFT Project?

NFTs, Quantum Computers, Portugal, Blockchain Standards & Policymaking…

💥 We are delighted to share our September BBA Forum Programme!

✅ Blockchain & Cryptoassets in Portugal: Manuela Diniz of Department for International Trade (DIT), and Fred Antunes of Portuguese Blockchain & Cryptocurrencies Association
✅ Launching a World-Class NFT Project: The Story of Daniel Uribe, MBA 🧬🔗🔐 of
✅ How to prepare NOW for a Quantum Attack: Dr. Rob Campbell of Capitol Technology University
✅ The DLT Evidence Taxonomy, Dr. Naseem Naqvi FRCP FBBA
✅ BBA’s latest updates from Deborah Cleary

Register (For FREE) Now and enter a Lucky Draw to Win a complimentary ISC2022 Pass!

#Blockchain #cryptocurrency #NFT #government #enterprise #DLT #CEBB #JBBA #ISC #BAF #Portugal #Quantum #policymaking #Frameworks



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