The Internet of Public Value

“..UK public services are no longer affordable. The government is under growing pressure to improve the performance of public services whilst reducing costs….”

“There is a long list of examples where a centralised project approach has failed, including:

1. NHS IT — The £12.7bn National Health Service National Program for IT (NPfIT)
2. The Department for Transport’s Shared Services — was initially forecast to save £57m
3. £7.1bn Defence Information Infrastructure (DII)
4. £350m Single Payment Scheme system (SPS)…”

📍Are DLTs like #Corda the Internet of Public Value?

📍Are blockchains simply Public Value Networks (PVNs)?

✍🏽 By John Reynolds of Coadjute.

Read the full article here:

#Blockchain #Corda #R3 #DLT #PublicServices #Government #Internet #businessmodels #transparency #Society



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