UK ready to welcome Blockchain thought-leaders from around the globe!


For the 4th consecutive year in a row, UK is delighted to welcome Blockchain and Cryptoassets Thought-Leaders from around the globe at the 4th Blockchain International Scientific Conference #ISC2022 (Virtual) on March 14.


✅ KEYNOTES from Members of UK Parliament, Heads of States and Thought Leaders in the field of Blockchain and Crypto assets
✅ Guest Speeches from Policymakers, Regulators, Senior Government Officials and the Heads of Public Sector Governance
✅ Cutting-Edge Blockchain Industry Research presentations from leading Blockchain Institutions, Excellence Hubs and Think-Tanks
✅ Path-Breaking Case Studies and Peer-Reviewed Blockchain Abstracts from world’s Top Universities
✅ Connect with Enterprises & Institutions Looking for World-class researchers
✅ State-of-the-Art Conference Portal and Networking Platform
✅ Fellowship (FBBA) and Best Abstracts Awards Ceremony
✅ 9 Hours of Certified Blockchain CPD (digital certificate of attendance provided)
✅ Exclusive early-access to the recording of all sessions and keynotes after the conference

And More!!

Ticket Prices go up Tomorrow, Register Now and attend from the comfort of your home:

#Blockchain #DLT #Cryptoassets #Defi #Research #CEBB #BAF #JBBA #evidencebasedblockchain #Tokenomics #SmartContracts #Policymaking #Regulation #Impact #Bitcoin #Cryptoeconomics



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